


  1. Identify policy gaps and advice national and county government on and value addition and marketing matters of scheduled food crops.
  2. Monitor the food situation for cereals, legumes, root and tuber crops to advice on import quantities to gap deficits and promote export programmes to offset surpluses.
  3. Coordinate the establishment of market linkages through industry contracts
  4. Coordinate market research programmes to facilitate the development and implementation of market and product strategies.
  5. Brand to promote the merits of food grown, produced and manufactured in Kenya.
  6. Advocate for the rationalization of technical and non-technical barriers to enhance the competitive advantages of Kenyan food crop value chains.
  7. Collect, collate and disseminate statistics and intelligence on production, processing, stocks, prices, imports and exports of food crops.
  8. Coordinate market voluntary schemes to support domestic food security and promote export trade.
  9. Capacity builds and promote value addition, product development and packaging  in collaboration with County Governments and research institutions.